Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging
D.W. McMillan Memorial Hospital offers a wide range of diagnostic imaging tools. The imaging modalities include diagnostic x-rays, ultra sound, computed tomography (CT), nuclear medicine, mammography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). All procedures are maintained on the Radiology PACS (picture archiving computer system) for future reference.
Services are offered to inpatients, and outpatients having orders from their physician. For procedures that require an appointment please call our Central Scheduling Department at 809-8329 or 809-8393 and staff will assist in scheduling your procedure. Many procedures do not require appointments, call the Radiology department if you have questions or concerns.
All procedures are read by a board certified radiologist. Reports are sent electronically or by US mail service to the ordering doctor.
Contact Information:

Radiology - 809-8127

Ultra Sound - 809-8131

CT - 809-8129

MRI - 809-8226

Mammography - 809-8125

Nuclear Medicine - 809-8285

Manager - 809-8126
For more information on specific procedures select the links below:
Computerized Tomography (CT)
Diagnostic X-Ray
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Nuclear Medicine
The Women's Center (Digital Mammography)
Computerized Tomography (CT)
What is a CT scan?
Computerized Tomography, also known as a CT scan or CAT scan, is a diagnostic test that used X-rays and computer technology to produce cross-sectional images of the body.
Simply put, a CT scan is similar to a loaf of bread. We can take an individual "slice" from the "loaf" - a body section- and look at that specific slice. CT technology is used to diagnose tumors, cancers, heart disease, vascular conditions, brain disorders, traumatic injuries and various other abnormalities within the body.
CT scans are painless unless your particular test requires an injection of contrast material. CT scans take from 10 to 25 minutes depending upon what type of test your doctor has ordered.
How to Prepare for your CT scan.
You will be asked to complete a history form before your test. The questionnaire asks current health information and the medications you're currently taking. Some scans require the use of s safe contrast media. Contrast is some times referred to as a dye. There are 2 types of contrast used for scans, one is taken orally and the other is injected.
What is oral contrast?
Oral contrast high lights your digestive system bright white so various abnormalities can be seen. The taste of the contrast may not be pleasant but it is important for the success of your test, that you finish all the contrast.
What is IV contrast?
IV contrast is injected into a vein to high light blood vessels and vasculature throughout your body. It is important to tell the technologist if you have a history of allergy to contrast or a history of renal failure. If you know you're allergic to IV contrast before your test, notify your physician so that you can be pre-medicated the day before your test.
Important Instructions

Do not eat anything for four hours before your CT scan. *You are allowed to have fluids unless you have been instructed not to by a nurse or doctor.

Tell the technologist if you have a history of allergy to IV contrast.

Tell the technologist if you are or might be pregnant.
What to wear.
You may be asked to change into a gown for your test. Most of the tests do not require changing into a gown. It is important that no metal be in the area to be scanned, with the exception of orthodontic appliances.
Day Before Your Test
Be sure you bring a list of all medications you take. If your test requires a prep, follow all the instructions that were given to you, to ensure your ready for your test at the appointed time.
You can pre-register for your test if you would like. This can be done at the Out Patient Registration desk located at the front of the hospital. Be sure to bring your insurance cards and drivers license.
Day of Your Test
Remember not to eat anything for four hours before your test. Wear comfortable clothing.
Check in at the Out Patient Registration desk. They will make copies of your insurance cards and driver's license. They will give you paperwork to bring to X-Ray.
After you check in at the X-Ray desk, you may be given paperwork to complete, if not already done. This form must be completed for every CT scan you have.
When your taken to the CT room, the technologist will ask you to lie on a table either head first or feet first depending upon the type of test your having.
After the technologist has positioned you on the table, they will leave the room during the scan. During the scan the table will move slowly thru the scanner several times. The technologist will be monitoring you during the entire scan and give you instructions through the intercom. It is extremely important to hold still during your scan.
If your test requires IV contrast, the technologist or radiology nurse will start an IV for administering the contrast.
The scan will take between 10 to 20 minutes. After all the images have been obtained, the technologist will assist you off the table.
After Your Test
The radiologist, a board certified doctor with special training in radiology, will review your scan and make an interpretation. This report will be sent to your doctor, usually within 24 hours.
If you were given oral contrast it is important that you drink 6 to 8 glasses of liquid within a 24 hour period if you are able to tolerate it. This will allow you to flush out any contrast that was given. It is normal for the oral contrast to cause either diarrhea or constipation depending upon your body.
If you're a diabetic taking pill medication
You will be given special instructions not to take Metformin (Glucophage, Glucovance, Metaglip, Avandment, or Fonamet, for 48 hours after your IV contrast. You will be instructed to call your doctor (who prescribes that medication for you) with any questions.
Contact Information

CT Department - (251) 809-8129

Radiology Department - (251) 809-8127
Diagnostic X-Ray
The Radiology Department at D.W. McMillan Memorial Hospital uses digital technology to perform all procedures. All of your procedures will be stored on a computer called a PACS (Picture Archiving Computer System). If you need to request a copy of your studies you will be given a computer disc (CD) instead of film.
The digital image is sent to the computer where it is reviewed by a radiologist. The radiologist is a doctor that has specialized in "reading" x-rays. All of the radiologist at D.W. McMillan Memorial Hospital are Board Certified by the American College of Radiologist.
We do a variety of procedures in the X-Ray department. Everything from chest x-rays to barium enema's. Most procedures do not require an appointment or that you do anything special before the test. You may be asked to change into a patient gown depending upon the type of x-ray being done.
Procedures that require an appointment will usually require some type of preparation before you arrive for the test. These procedures include upper GI (UGI) studies, any type of barium study, biopsies and hysterosalpingograms (HSG). The Radiologist performs these procedures with the assistance of the technologist. Check with the Radiology department staff before coming to the department if your unsure if an appointment is needed.
If there is a chance that you may be pregnant please inform the technologist before having your x-rays.
Contact Information:

Radiology - 809-8127 or 809-8284
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
What is it?
MRI uses a powerful magnet and computer technology to create detailed images of the soft tissues, muscles, nerves and bones in your body. There are no known side effects
of MRI, and it uses no radiation. D.W. McMillan Memorial Hospital offers MRI procedures on a GE high field scanner with a short bore. The "bore" is the donut shaped device that the table will slide thru during the procedure. A short bore makes the experience tolerable for the majority of persons - even those that are slightly claustrophobic.
What to Expect
Generally there are no special preparations to follow before your exam. Because MRI uses a strong magnetic field, metal objects may interfere with the scan. We ask that you leave your valuables at home. We provide a secure location to store your keys, jewelry and other valuables during the exam. We ask that you wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing, without zippers, snaps, etc. you may be asked to change into a hospital gown for image quality and safety reasons.
All metallic/surgical implants must be assessed for safety before having any MRI procedure. Common implants that may not be safe for MRI procedures include certain makers and models of the following:


Aneurysm clips in the brain

Inner ear (cochlear) implants

Implanted spinal cord stimulator

Metallic implants

Metal fragments in one or both eyes
Please notify our staff if you have had anything artificial implanted in your body.

have had anything artificial implanted in your body

have removable dental devices

wear a hearing aid(s)

have ever been a metal worker

are pregnant or think you might be

are breastfeeding

are diabetic

are on dialysis

have a kidney disorder

have anemia or any diseases that affect red blood cells
If you have any questions about your eligibility to have an MRI scan, consult with your doctor. You may call the MRI staff and they will be happy to answer your questions as well.
What to Expect
After registering at Out Patient Registration bring your paper work to the Radiology Department. You will be asked to complete an MRI Screening form. Be sure to bring a list of your medications with you. While most MRI scans do not require the use of contrast material, there are times that contrast material is needed. A review of your medications is done before giving you any type of contrast.
Once you're positioned in the scanner, the technologist will communicate with you throughout the procedure via an intercom system. The scanner makes many loud and
strange noises during the scan. Ear plugs are provided to reduce the noise level during your scan. Remaining relaxed during the scan helps to reduce body movements. The average MRI scan takes 30 - 40 minutes.
Contact Information

MRI - 809-8226

Radiology - 809-8127
Nuclear Medicine
What is it?
Nuclear medicine provides information about function and structure of various organs within the body. The procedures are safe and relatively painless. The amount of radiation is equal to regular x-rays. Nuclear Medicine uses a radioactive substance - given by mouth or injected - depending upon the procedure.
Be sure to tell your doctor and the technologist if you might be pregnant or are lactating.
What to expect?
After registering at the Out Patient Registration, you will report to the Radiology Department. You will be asked to complete a Patient History form. This form is completed any time you will be given contrast - by mouth or injected. Be sure to bring a list of your current medications.
After you have completed the form, the technologist will take you to the nuclear medicine suite. The radioactive substance, also called an isotope or "dye" will be given either by mouth or injection depending upon the procedure your to have.
At the appropriate time, the technologist will have you lie on a narrow table. You will not need to change clothes, but you will want to dress comfortably. Once you're in position, the technologist will position you under a large round or pointed device that take the images. The time it takes to acquire images varies depending upon the study. You should plan to be with us for a minimum of 2 hours.
Questions Commonly Asked:
1.Will the radioactive substance hurt me?
Answer: Radioactive substances are derived from naturally occurring elements and generally do not create an allergic reaction.
2.Will the "shot" make me sleepy?
Answer: No, the injection will have no affect on your body. You will be able to resume normal activities once the test is completed.
3.Can I eat before my test?
Answer: For most procedures you can eat. There are a few exceptions - studies of the GI tract or GI bleed studies will require you to withhold food the morning of your test.
Contact Numbers:

Nuclear Medicine - 809-8285

Radiology - 809-8127
What Is It?
Ultra Sound or sonography, uses sound waves to evaluate tissues and organs inside the body. The technology is similar to the way sonar is used by dolphins or submarines to detect objects. Ultra sound produces great images of organs that are soft or filled with fluid, but doesn't work as well for examining air-filled organs or bones. Ultra sound is a safe and painless test, usually taking 15 to 30 minutes.
Why Ultra Sound?
Ultra sound is commonly used to evaluate developing fetus. Ultra sound can be used to determine if a lump is a cyst, to see the size and shape of an organ, to detect galls tones and to look for blood clots in the legs. Ultra sound can be used as a guide when a needle is being inserted into the body for tissue sampling, or to remove fluid.
Getting Ready
Abdomen scans require an empty stomach. You cannot eat or drink after midnight the night before your test.
Pelvis scans require a full bladder. Drinking 8 ounces of liquid every 15 minutes the hour prior to your appointment will ensure a full bladder. Thyroid scans and Venous Doppler scans (looking for blood clots) do not require any preparation.
What to Expect
When you arrive for your appointment check in at the Out Patient Registration desk. Be sure to bring a list of medications and insurance cards. Bring your paperwork to the Radiology Department. The technologist will escort you to the ultra sound suite where you will change into a gown.
A small amount of gel will be applied to the area to be scanned. The gel helps the sound waves move into your body. The technologist will slide a small instrument thru the gel. The instrument is called a probe or transducer and is used to capture the sound waves as they bounce off organs.
Once the procedure is finished, the gel will be wiped off and you will be allowed to dress.
Contact Information
Ultra Sound - 809-8131
Radiology - 809-8127