Picture of a puzzle that says Community.
Community Outreach
You may call (251) 809-8309 for further information on any of the following Community Outreach services.
Support Groups:
D.W. McMillan Memorial Hospital offers several support groups to the community.

Alzheimer's Support Group
This education and support group for caregivers, and family and friends of Alzheimer's patients meets regularly on the first Monday of each month at noon. Lunch is provided from the Hospital dining room.

Cancer Support Group
This education and support group for cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers meets regularly on the first Wednesday of each month at 11:30 am. Lunch is provided from the Hospital dining room.

Lupus Support Group
This education and support group for Lupus patients and caregivers meets regularly on the second Wednesday of each month at 11:30 am. Lunch is provided from the Hospital dining room.
Other Community Outreach:

Sr. Health Advantage
D.W. McMillan Hospital's program for seniors 60 and older meets monthly on the second Thursday at 10:00 am. Blood pressure checks are done at 9:30 am prior to the meeting. This program is free and offers monthly programs of interest to seniors. There are no fees or dues as the Hospital offers this program to our seniors as part of our ongoing effort to improve the quality of your life.

Loan Closet for Cancer Patients
A loan closet with wigs, bras, prostheses, and turbans for cancer patients is available in the Human Resources/Education Department.